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If you have a grant opportunity you would like posted on our website, please email us at


Cooler Communities is a climate education school grant program that aims to empower K-12 students to become engaged participants in their community’s work on climate solutions by connecting classroom learning to local climate action. The application for participation in the Cooler Communities program in the 2023/24 school year is now open. Rolling applications.  APPLY HERE.

Mass Ag in the Classroom mini grant awards will be considered from schools, after-school programs, farms working with schools and youth gardening organizations. Projects that involve cost-sharing and/or collaborative ventures are strongly encouraged. This program is designed to support the development of innovative teaching ideas and increase student motivation and enthusiasm by providing funds for instructional experimentation and enrichment activities. Septmber 1, 2023 deadline. APPLY HERE.

The Grassroots Fund is both a funder and a learning community that is centered around Environmental Justice (EJ). They believe that in order to seek Environmental Justice, they must invest in the power of grassroots organizers who are directly shifting resources into their communities, addressing the effects of systemic inequalities, and developing strategies to create just and safe communities. The grant programs are designed to energize and nurture long term civic engagement in local initiatives that create and maintain healthy, just, safe and environmentally sustainable communities. Fall Grow grant applications are open through Sept 19. APPLY HERE.

The Mass Save Community Education Grant Program supports Environmental Justice Communities to bring energy efficiency education programs to their residents. The grant funding and support serves to increase awareness and access into the energy efficiency programs as well as engage with community-based organizations to promote energy efficiency-focused educational and culturally relevant opportunities. Application period will reopen in September 2023.

The Massachusetts FRESH (Farming Reinforces Education and Student Health) Grant Program is a new statewide farm to school and farm to early care grant program. The program is administered by the Mass. Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, which has awarded $300,000 in funding for the  2023 fiscal year. The program is designed to support K-12 and early education and care centers to start up or expand their local foods purchasing and education efforts.

If you are interested in applying for the next round of funding in Fall 2023, Mass Farm to School staff are available to provide support.  Contact: Abby Getman Skillicorn at   

The Cedar Tree Foundation announces a new round of grantmaking for “Rooted in Justice” a funding program designed to help amplify youth voices and actions in the environmental and food justice movements. They support community-based organizations and groups that specifically manage youth-led urban greening programs.  Attend a webinar to review the RFP and answer questions on Tuesday, October 10th at 10am EST.  Proposals are due on Friday, December 1 by 11:59pm EST. Find the RFP LINKED HERE.

The Awesome Foundation is an ever-growing worldwide community devoted to forwarding the interest of awesome in the universe. Created in the long hot summer days of 2009 in Boston, the Foundation distributes $1,000 grants, no strings attached, to projects and their creators. At each fully autonomous chapter, the money is pooled together from the coffers of ten or so self-organizing “micro-trustees” and given up front in cash, check, or gold doubloons. Rolling applications. APPLY HERE.

The Pollination Project seeks to unleash goodness and expand compassion all over the world. To that end, through our pioneering Daily Grant program, we make $1000 micro grants 365 days a year. These grants are designed to kick start an organization or individual’s work and give them the lift they need to thrive and grow. Our daily grantmaking began on January 1, 2013 and since then, we have funded a different project every single day. All qualified applicants in any funding area are considered within the guidelines of this program. Rolling applications. APPLY HERE.

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