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NAAEE 2022: Educating for Change Conference

Westin La Paloma Resort 3800 E. Sunrise Drive, Tucson, AZ, United States

The 2022 conference will focus on the powerful role education can play in creating healthier communities and tackling today’s complex environmental and social issues. We’ll dig into vital topics in our field such as climate change education and climate justice, the benefits of connecting to nature, building a green workforce, protecting biodiversity, and centering equity…

Sharing the Fruits (and Veggies) of our Labor…From Farm to Fork

Nourse Farm 80 Jasper Street, Westborough, MA, United States

Register for a Saturday adventure at the rolling farmland of historical Nourse Farm in Westborough.  We'll offer a chance to discover fun ways to explore the past, celebrate the present, and plan for the future as we share the fruits (and veggies) or our labor.  As you might imagine, Nourse Farm provides a large scope…


Farm to School Advocacy Training

Help get the Massachusetts Farm to School Grant bill passed next session. Join Coalition members across the state during Farm to School Month in meeting with legislators in October at the Statehouse, in district, or virtually.  One of the most important things you can do is have a conversation with your legislators or their staff.…

Farm to School Advocacy Training

Help get the Massachusetts Farm to School Grant bill passed next session. Join Coalition members across the state during Farm to School Month in meeting with legislators in October at the Statehouse, in district, or virtually.  One of the most important things you can do is have a conversation with your legislators or their staff.…

Inside – Outside Conference | Promising Practices in Nature & Place-Based Education

Chesterfield School Chesterfield, NH Chesterfield, NH, United States

The Inside-Outside conference is a celebration of nature- and place-based education and all who are redefining what is possible in elementary education. As we build school programs around place-based studies, outdoor science lessons, Forest Fridays and more, we are connecting children to the natural world, their local communities and big ideas.


MEES Conference Workshop Proposal Deadline

MEES is seeking workshop proposals that engage environmental education best practices, advance justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion, and tackle complex environmental and social issues. The DEADLINE to submit a workshop proposal is MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2022.

Growing Up WILD Professional Development Workshop

Ada & Archibald MacLeish Field Station, Bechtel Environmental Classroom 80 Poplar Hill Road, Whatley, MA, United States

Growing Up WILD is an early childhood education activity guide that builds on children’s sense of wonder about nature and invites them to explore wildlife and the world around them. Through a wide range of activities and experiences, it provides a foundation for developing positive impressions about nature while also building lifelong social and cognitive skills.…


SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators

Environmental Protection Agency

The Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators recognizes outstanding kindergarten through grade 12 teachers who employ innovative approaches to environmental education and use the environment as a context for learning for their students. Up to two teachers from each of EPA's 10 regions, from different states, will be selected to receive this award. The White…

EPA DEADLINE: President’s Environmental Youth Award submission

Environmental Protection Agency

The President’s Environmental Youth Award (PEYA) recognizes outstanding environmental stewardship projects developed by K-12 youth. The PEYA program promotes awareness of our nation's natural resources and encourages positive community involvement. Since 1971, the President of the United States has joined with EPA to recognize young people for protecting our nation's air, water, land, and ecology.…

STEAM and Earth Science A Hybrid Focus Workshop – Grades 4-6 Educators

Dive into an exploration of space as you explore Earth’s systems and the Earth’s place in the universe. Using current research and recent discoveries in the field of astronomy, including images from NASA space exploration and telescopes, participate in phenomena and inquiry-based investigations that will bring creativity to astronomy through STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and…

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